Monday, March 14, 2011

From What I've Heard

Your puddles-of-sunlight rumors are true,

their presence permitted by sentry mushrooms.

Warmth's slippery grip is never enough to melt the grande white chocolate mocha frapp

with whip.

Adorned aviators inherently injected with irony to look hip.

Year long drizzles give youth eternally to sweet elderly lakes.

Smells of Teenage Spirit are whirling invisible snakes.

Your evaporating mists

are swallowed by In Bloom pines,

confectionery sparkles from Earth's sweat

make roads shine.

Suburbians reside in Redwoods

like hobbits.

Discarding their cars at the gates of the city,

making walking the choice habit,

as drunken seaward winds smile upon inhabitants effortlessly pretty.

Intruders are welcomed in,

feral beasts are treasured friends

as sapien and simian lace the sidewalks,
arm in furry arm.

Children are wide eyed,

snorting coffee beans,

constantly jittery,

excited for anything.

Acephalously flowing milky hymns

fill aural canals.

Roads jammed with Souls ferried to Meet their Bodies worlds away.

Vedder belts ballads till Immortality arrives,

on the spines of Six String Samurai

as I get lost in your Even Flowing mind.

Your rib Cage holds Rat-atat-tats,

blanketed by buzzing bass,

rattling throughout summer rains of May.

Back lit by silhouettes of the Cascades.

Sleepless nights, entranced by young lipped Meg Ryan.

Be greeted by Science at the gate,

what a spectacular place with an Emerald heart undying!

This, Seattle,

I know you exist.

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