Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Hood

A blood soaked past, one thought long left behind comes roaring back when the shadows move once more. The world as we know it begins to crumble and a decision must be made to either take the fight to the tormentors or be hunted down and fall victim to an unknown fate.

An insatiable thirsts for answers and vengeance awakens and consumes the mind of a humble societal servant...Well, that and a mysterious disembodied voice. They lead her and the rest of the select few into a life impossible. A life of danger, adventure, freaks, dubious loyalties, ice skates and rampant apathy towards romance. A life destined for greatness? Or is it the beginning of the end for all of us?

Cliches and intellectual theft are aplenty as an average girl with an itch for archery, a kid, a soldier, a total dweeb, a sniper, and a renegade royal take charge. They are our last defense. They are our only defense. And they have theological issues.

The Hood. (Insert
Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles End Credits Theme)

Influenced by Robin Hood, Angel/Buffy, Supernatural, Aliens in America and The Britannica Guide to GENETICS!, Farscape, Pushing Daisies, Doctor Who, and my own life aka The Source.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Case Study: Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

12:40 am. As you space out into the starry smog of a big city not realizing your tv turned on by itself, you hear a faint sound from behind you. Its the sound of bad jokes. Its the sound of awkward self depreciation. Its the sound of the ghost of Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Its this ghost that Late Night newcomer Jimmy Fallon is trying to vanquish.
Night in and night out, people miss Conan...not the right people, but the smart people. We have to make due for now with Jimmy Fallon. He is the best thing in Late night non Daily Show/Colbert Report tv.
Conclusion first, Jimmy is good at some things and bad at others.

Fallon, or JFallz, as he is lovingly called, is coming into his own. His monologues are a good. With his Weekend Update past, he is solid at making lame current event jokes funny even if it may be for the wrong reason (much like Coco).

The skits are also a good. They are very odd which is always a plus. Slow Jamming the News works, that Kareoke (I dont care how its spelled this is America, we conquered racism) with conservative pundit lyrics, those stupid games the audience plays, President of the Audience. All lovably weird (Like a pregnant mousepad).

The weakness of Fallon resides in his rotten interview skills. He acts as though he is a famous person talking to a famous person. Its very unappetizing to watch a conversation as opposed to an interview with pleasant banter and tomfoolery. BAD JFallz. Its not a curable ailment either. Craig Ferguson (barf), Ryan Seacrest, Mario Lopez, you are people who should be interviewees. Fallon sadly falls in the same gene poo.

There is also one area that Fallon , try as his little heart might, can never reproduce. Genuine innocence. Its a rare quality to be hip, opinionated, respected and childlike simultaneously. Stewart, Colbert and O'Brien pull it off some how but Fallon wants it too much. You can see it in that apple mouse he has. He is definitely a Mac.

The biggest plus is of course The Roots. Nuff Said about that.

Jimmy I accept thee.

Oh and the announcer dude is funny.

Best Muslim on TV: Abed Nadir (Community) Vs. Arastoo Vaziri (Bones)

March 11, 2010 at 5:32pm

Abed Nadir is the Phoebe Buffey of the Community gang. Abed is Muslim but not a great one (based on seen activities). He is very accurately portraying the conflicted American Muslim college student who is somewhat detached from his faith. He (that one time) drank, possible girl interaction (the frisky kind) and hes doing film (right?). Abed is a whimsical, light, enjoyable character and brings a smile to faces with his odd facial expressions and very obscure pop-culture refs. His Don Draper, his Vampire, his Judd Nelson AND all the antics with Troy just vex my inner hyena. And with lines like

Abed: Another muffin basket, from another actress who wants to be in my next film.
Jeff: Does that work?
Abed: Yep. Meryl Streep has two Oscars because of her baking. Ah, that's sarcasm, but I forgot to inflect. This sounds waaay more like sarcasm. Inflection is soooo interesting.

Abed's family exists to make fun of, but so do the rest of the peripheral characters so no biggy. The simple fact that a Muslim character is portrayed in a positive light carries weight.

(Note: quality equality race jokes are made. "Hey Phantom Menace, hows the trade embargo with the Naboo" hits us while "duck sause" nails the east asians. Also the inner family argument about the cousin who wears a burqa wanting to go play in the bouncy house was very nice. But thats a commentary on the show, not Abed)

The Muslim aspect is a layer within a complex character and through his actions we see that he is not entirely on the straight path. In terms of most ENJOYABILITY, he wins but not this time. So the winner has to be...

Arastoo Vaziri! And here is why:
After blowing his accent cover and refusing an alcoholic beverage, he had to explain why an American can be a Muslim and work in a scientific field. (This is on FOX people!)

Arastoo: "There is no conflict between Allah and science. Allah created the mysteries of the world and science struggles and mostly fails to explain it. But the search for truth is honorable and I honor Allah for the search for truth"

Hodgins: "I get it, but whats with the 'kill the infidel' routine?

Arastoo: "Its times like these i wish i drank alcohol."

Angela: "Fight and slave the unbelievers." (Uh OH!I think shes testing him!!!)

Arastoo: "I prefer the other option, which is to enslave the unbeliever"
[Silence and everyone stares in shock]
"Its a joke..."(PWN3D!!)

He isnt in every episode but when hes on, his Muslim colors shine bright while the obstacles fire all around him. He bested a lesbian (Angela), he out Americaned a cop (Cam), and with a flex of his "humorus" he proclaims his throne as Best Muslim On TV!!!

Honorable Mentions: Dr. Julian Bashir (Star Trek) and Raja Musharaff (Aliens in America)
Disqualified for lack of subtlety: Entire Cast of Characters of Little Mosque on the Prairie.

Why Id make a fabulous super villain. Why I want to be like Sylar and what that means.

March 5, 2010 at 2:47am


A super villain almost always loses. This is not fair. Actually, even when they win, its always the "they didnt know the extent of their deeds" business and it ends with them not wanting to have done it in the first place. (There are, of course, exceptions: Memento, Garden State, Angel?, Fight Club) That said, its still WAY more fun than being the guy the villains put stress on.

If I was a super villain (my power would obviously be a gun for a hand) I wouldnt mind the inevitable loss. Id actually look forward to it. This is what will make me dangerous...the most dangerous. I will be ruthless...the most ruthless. I will be the law that knows an amendment is coming for it and just screw up as many lives until that vote is passed.

A super villain needs a purpose. Mine would be to be a massive inconvenience. I have no real goal and that makes me the worst kind of evil. Unstoppable and unpredictable. Ill rob a bank of a dollar then ill punt a baby and nobody will see it coming.

Now, a super villain is an instrument of Death. I will model myself like Sylar (of old). I wouldn't hesitate to kill you (remember, im a villain). And by "you" i mean my archnemesis and anyone who stands in my way of (possible) world domination and stealing one Fudgsicle from a grocery store (delicious and more likely) while busting up a couple of handsome shelf restockers Fight Club style. See, i will not hesitate to cap a person who even looks at me funny. Ill even double tap to make sure no zombie be comin all up at me. But this is all grim, I have better reasons to be a fabulous super villain..the most fabulous.

My costume would be very cool looking. This is mostly because any "cool" outfit looks good on me as is. Its just a given, I don't even need to work out or anything. Though i will. Heck lets make sure i can throw a 25 lb dumbbell through dry wall before i get started. (gotta have dramatic flare)

I can use anything as a weapon. A box? Flung at your face. A jacket? Flung at your face. A guitar? Used as a bow and arrow. And the personal Fav: An Afro Pick? Endless unimaginable impossibilities of the worst horrors any human or sentient being can endure. (I jam that thing...I jam it in your face)

Id drive very recklessly yet in complete control. I just have this sixth sense about driving fast. Like a male Dale Earnhardt Jr.

I have a secret base in mind that is perfect. It has a bathroom, bedroom, closet AND kitchen so you know i can sleep all night if i have to work on a plan or something.

My silent stare is very powerful. I scrunch up my lips, my pupils are up showing lots of eye white. The menacing beard is at its best. For effect, i can mutter, in a really dark tone, "thats enough." Beautiful.

The rest of my credentials are my ruthlessness. Its modeled after the Joker and Sylar with a little Spongebob and Patrick mixed in for good measure. I will not let the Hero say a word. "Oh you can help me with info? I dont care!" BAM dead. Thats it. No yip yap no "there is a better way" and no hostages! Mythbusters proved that the diving in with guns blazing thing works. Instead of letting the good guys hunt me down, ill just watch my back and dive in guns blazing whenever i see fit...or get bored. Im a Villain baby. Im Evil.

My next task: A choice. Do i apply for Every Villain Is Lemons or the Evil League of Evil.

Note: Ive read "How to be a super villain"...so yeah.'

Just becasue you've "seen it before" doesn't mean its not still awesome! LEARN SOME EPICS PEOPLE!!

March 2, 2010 at 3:16pm

Warning: Geeklingo is all up in here, keep dealing with it.

The Matrix. Lord Of the Rings. 300. All beloved movies.
Any slo mo dodge. Anything Fantasy. Anything using slow mo kicks. All belittled as little bunny copy cats.

The latest spark of insanity is seen in the reviews for Alice in Wonderland. Apparently, it has a "generic battle climax similar to any number of others in CGI-heavy movies of the past few years." What are you telling me Todd McCarthy "top critic?" That i can't have another helping of epic sauce on my fictional war burger? RIDICULUS! Just becasue we've seen it once, and loved it (even if that "once" was is pronounced the Spanish way) does not reduce how impressive a fake cling clang brawl can be. After seeing the war scene, its clear how unfair the review is. When have we ever seen a scene where a girl beheads Christopher lee (sort of). NO WHERE! Subtleties baby. Look at the subtleties.

Ladies and gentleman we need to get over our need for seeing the bigger or the better. Its not gonna happen. It took humanity 150,000 years after Primordial Eve to finally give us Bullet Time. We need to be more lax in our judgments.

Even Avatar. Dozens of claims of ripoffs and yet, its so much more. Its its own entity. Yeah we've seen the "gone native" format before but didnt we award the crap out it? Costner got freakin Oscar, Disney won oodles of acclaim for ol' Pocky, and America has an unhealthy obsession with Smurfs as it is. (Also, nobody seems angry that Avatar even used Wes Studi, the habitual native!) My point is that its the old "never can have too much of a good thing" thing. If Avatar was not in 3D, by all means, tear it apart.

The major problem that people saw with Watchmen (and to a lesser extent, Harry Potter) was that it was too reverent. That is the dumbest thing ever heard. An adaptation is an adaptation. It is supposed to resemble the words on the page except the words have sounds and visuals. Morons.

Speaking of! The pool of original ideas is drying up anyway, isnt it best not to take a poo on live action adaps? Its mostly what we have left. Its better than Transmorphers or The Terminators. Now those movies should burn in hell.

(This gets me to another much less popular point. Speed Racer was an amazing movie. It was all whirly and spacey and mostly kid friendly AND it was NEW!! But God forbid we get too into epicness. That movie was scored by an Academy Award winner!)

How about TV shows. Dont the masses already flock to the generic "objection" dramas and the "ow it hurts but i dont know why!!!" shows? (yes) Then why is it that we can't have a show that is both exactly like X files and a ripoff of Indiana Jones and not simply enjoy it for the residual effects amassed by that holy combination (Warehouse 13). (and im not talking to E!, they, aside from the Soup which makes fun of E!, suck.) I know that Dollhouse is "Matrixing" (so too is Caprica but no complaints from that front yet) but that's not what should be focused on. Focus on how freakin cool it is! Its not like the characters have rhyming names. Also, why not have another FBI + not FBI buddy show if its got some good dialogue?

Now some of my points may seem stupid.

Another thing that bothers me is the whole 300 fiasco. Yeah Legend of the Seeker is over dramatic and uses slo mo when not need (which is awesome) and yeah Spartacus Blood and Sand looks just like it, but they are so epic and sometimes, Epic is as epic does. Its OK to like slo mo people!

Oh and when it comes to Sci Fi. Its all racism! You CAN tell them apart if you give them the time! (I too judge sometimes)

What about blatant ripoffs? (Sort of like Owl City and Postal Service but for visuals...OH like The Fast and the Furious and Point Break!) There has to be a line somewhere right? Fine. A] There has to be some sort of acknowledgment. James Cameron straight up admitted to dance with wolves. B] The quality has to be on par. Mission to Mars and Red Planet. Both very similar. Both well done. No problem. C] It has to offer something that wasn't part of the previous formula. The stories for Antz and A bug's Life were fairly unique. One had Paul from Spin city, the other had SLY!

Tah freakin dah. Plain and simple, If its well done enough being a ripoff is irrelevant.

How there is nothing like the feeling a story with a happy ending and just deserts for all will bequeath me with.

February 11, 2010 at 6:37pm

Warning: Geeklingo be up in here, deal with it!

This topic is a strange one, and by "this topic," i mean kumquats. Well im not talking about kumquats I'm talking about happy endings in fiction (heck lets throw that blanket around non fiction too) Im going to focus in on Dollhouse in particular since its current...recent. Ive heard complaints about how lackluster this finale was. I say, all those complaints are ridiculous.

Anticlimactic? Of course it is. They practically ended the series with a boom the previous week, did everyone just forget about the whole building blowing up? This was meant to be an epilogue. This is what happens afterwords. (yes, thats the definition of epilogue) It also seems like people are forgetting that this is a show that got canceled. That means that the fact that we get an ending at all is worth more than a stupid climax (which already happened) can offer. Lets never forget that the series was canceled. They shoved 4 years of story into this and they demand something from the audience. They need us to fill holes they they feel we have the imagination to fill.

A similar situation had occurred last year with Harry Potter 6. People just expect things that are irrational. HBP is meant to be pure filler. its not an ending, it has no real beginning. Asking for anything else is moronic. With HBP i saw a well made high production valued filler flick that was quite enjoyable. Going back to Dollhouse, what I saw was a perfect ending that brought a close to very big questions. Id even argue that Ballard was the Main Character of the story. Sure sure Echo is yada yada, and Sierrtor are the most lovable couple but Ballard is central to the story. He is the engine while Echo is the fuselage. Plus his is the only story that has a beginning middle and end.

The other complaint i can see happening is that it didnt leave you in a shocked state like Angel or Terminator TSCC do. Im ok with this also. When comparing you will see that those other fantastic endings are not endings (ill just leave it at that) while this one is definitive. Its a bookend.

Let me swivel away a bit and focus on Happy ending. Now my definition of happy ending is disagreeable. Its when the most awesome characters come out victorious. I say its a disagreeable definition because its completely wrong and irrational. But. Whatever. Its satisfying, ergo Happy. I want all endings to be happy. No Babels and no Crash. I want to be able to root for someone and then something acceptably awesome o happen to them (for better or worse). The key is awesomeness.

Generally speaking, a good ending for this antihero (i just called myself an anti hero) is one that is simple, powerful, just, and awesome.

What is a Manjabi?

February 10, 2010 at 1:04pm

A person of male gender who follows a modest life path. He is not flashy. He is of generous character. He wears a hijab (Well...the hard core ones do at least.)

I am a manjabi to a degree. The crossdressing is not yet undertaken but the other stuff is keenly a part of my everyday character. That and a bunch of cooking. Breakin boundaries while respectin boundaries, that's the life of a Manjabi.

The secret to being a Manjabi, however, lies in what is not scene by the public. It is who you choose to be at home and under only God's eyes. For those of us who know, good for us. The rest of you? Have fun at the movies, the house is ours tonight.

Oh and if you missed that forth word, a Manjabi is male...And I'm talking exclusively. Sorry ladies.

-Manjabi Initiative

Lee Pace: My firstish blog

Actual Date: 9/24/09

I have an unspoken pact with two actors. Its not a obsession thing, its a "I-love-love-love their acting and role choices" thing. Lee Pace is one of them and Sam Rockwell is the other (since then ive added Sam Worthington and Nathan Fillion) . The pact is that I will watch anything they will make from the point of my initial wowing of them. For Lee, youd think it was Pushing Daisies (which should be affiliated with Project Downtown, partly seriously too.). But NO! It was actually the Fall. The Fall will render your eye lids useless and your mouth will begin to look like Sylvester Stallone. I will never like a movie more. (Not true but its still up there... every moment is my prison)

Lee Pace is the best part of Pushing Daisies even though I watched that show because I mistook Anna Friel for Zooey Deschanel. (New Girl wishes it was that good) He is the eventual best part of Wonderfalls, too. His character grows and grows on you. Ive actually determined that Ned of Pushing Daisies is an accumulation of all the good things about Wonderfalls. Ned has Eric's haircut. There is Magic and whimsy. Ned, like Jaye, is a selectively antisocial lead (the best kind of antisocialness). Ned is Lee Pace. He talks as faster than a Gilmore Girl. Ned is the likable male love interest and the lead character. The jokes lean towards an immature likability.( "Oh look: a dumb idea just found a friend!"). Ned turns into a superman archetype, saving the world despite wanting nothing to do with it. All of that leads to a highly concentrated whimsical entertainment machine.

Lee Pace should be in more movies. (He has since been cast in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part Two and The Hobbit duology as Legolas' Dad, both of with I will watch, one of which with the purest of grimaces)

If I could make a tv show, he would star as my villain. (This is because my villain is different each episode just played by the same person and I think he would be awesome in doing that. That would be a sweet show.)

It should be a crime-crime (that's crime squared, people) that Lee Pace isn't in any TV show right now. Also people better reconize that he is most potent as the lead character. Ive learned from The Fall that it is infact his acting and not just him paired with Bryan Fuller.

I think if I meet Lee Pace, id keep my cool on the outside. Id probably be to shy to go up to him at all though. Id feel weird if I was him and people came to me just to say how much they like my work...id make a terrible movie star. Just seeing him if I did some how wind up in the same room would be cool enough. Kind of like how in ISNA I was completely satisfied with being in the same room as Cat Yusuf Islam Stevens. I think the need to meet the idle is a bit overrated andis why paparazzi are Haram. What would he be thinking if he saw me,"and another fan...and another, hey he has a tattoo of me on his face!"Bottom line, Worshiping people is not what im about, im about wasting time on their work. That paragraph took a weird turn, it a good thing Monday is labor day.

Fact: Id like to get a poster of either Pushing Daisies or The Fall for my room. Though ill wait till i win one.

Fact: the first movie i will buy if and when i win a blue ray player and HDTV is The Fall.

Fact: If i could be one character from all of TV, id be Jack Carter from Eureka... but Ned is a close second.

I wood awso wike you 2 hafth these thingos

Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVJIIQUYHgI

This one too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-ZKp2zg3YQ

And this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_ACR26qhKM&feature=related

Take it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN60bVasj48&feature=related

How bout another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJv1lcX5JK8&feature=related

Last one i promise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_vlcP82_VI&feature=related

This has been The Lee Pace [Blog]. (Hes so cool.)


Imad's TV Show Passion Passion.

Histeria! (canceled/ 52 episodes)- It offered a unique blend of knowledge and humor. If a child of age 12 and under watches this show as i did, they will turn out well. Also it provides humor thatzips past the little ears of the younglings so that when they are older they will be able to get a whole new level of enjoyment out of the show.

Freakazoid! (canceled/ 2 seasons) -A lot of the same applies for this show that apples for Histeria!, except the knowledge part. Its just the most clever humor ive seen in a kids show. This is along the same lines as Animaniacs so be ready for some jokes that just have you saying, "Did he just go there? Uh uh!" and then you pee your pants laughing. I mean exhibit A is that an early episode is about CandleJack who is a Serial Killer who kills kids. Hes shown kidnapping them but its clear hes not making a Knitting circle of hostages. Pure comedy gold for kids and people of my kind ("immature" early 20s year olds.)

Eureka! (Still on/3rd season) - Im actually not sure if there is an exclamation point on this show title butt it really deserves one. I absolutely love the characters on this show. (Except for Alison, she got on my nerves, im so happy they brought in Tess). Its a premise that only promises eye melting visuals and it delivers every episode. With the new addition, Tess Fontana, they FINALLY have someone who takes Jack seriously. Also, they kill like its no big. That only makes every thing even more powerful and you are scared that you might lose a loved character any moment. Characters, story, visuals, 3!!! seasons (thank you America the Beautiful's people and SyFy), AND its in the Northwest! lets just call this the pinnacle of television and moo along. The show's current season has one episode left. (They better not touch Tess!) A fourth season (22 eps) is set for 2010 so: light ahead!

Pushing Daisies (canceled/ 2 seasons) - This show really made me doubt the society i live in. And by that i mean my neighbors (generally speaking) Im talking about the average Americans. Now the amount of faith Eureka endowed in me is guttedevrytime i realize that Pushing Daisies (and many of the shows on this list) are no longer on the air because of crap like American Idle, the mindless Dancing With The Stars even though i kind of enjoyed Apollo Anton Ohno, All the laugh track loaded banter on CBS (except How I met your mother, NPH is a saving grace) , Survivor, Teen Sex on The CW, and stupid Tyler Perry. All that butt juice distracted idiot viewers from life fulfilling programs like Pushing Daisies. I rant but on with the show...Its a beautious show (to steal a word from FlapJack). A They Might Be Giants' song pops up and it was at that moment that i knew i loved this show. It made me cry with how much i became invested with the untouchable love that Ned and Chuck endure. The colors wowed and the dialogue zipped and the pie...oh the pie. If anything, this show'll make you run to the nearest pie..ary. I started watching it because i thought Anna Friel was Zooey Deschanel but i was charmed by Lee Pace anyways so it didnt matter.

Wonderfalls (canceled/ 1 season)- Do you wonder wonder wonder why the wonder falls? YOU SHOULD, YOU BUMS! This pleasure was only on for one sad year and i watched it via Youtube four years afterthefact (yeah, thats one word). The whimsy factor is budonkulous. I love Caroline Dhavernas and not to mention Lee Pace again. I went into it with zero background on plot but once it started rolling, and im talking like, 5 minutes in, i was struck. The characters are, again, all fallinloveable and that goes along way for me. The ending also shattered my world. Since nobody else s presently wearing a Travis shirt ill just say that the music choice for the last two minutes is incredible to say the least.

Legend of the Seeker (still on/2nd season) - I dont know why i watched this sucker. I do know that i love myself for doing it. Slow Motion is always an attractive gimmick. It works in sports, car commercial and SWORD FIGHTING AND ARCHERY!!!! This show really drew me in with the use...or overuse i should say of needless slow motion. Bridget Regan's eyes had very little to do with it initially...same with Craig Horner's glass abs and Craig Parker's stone voice. This show also oozes actorial connections with some great works. Zedd is the mouth of Sauron, it had both brothers from Black Sheep ('07),Chace is from Star Wars, Darken Rahl is also a LOTR alum and Ted Raimi is in it for a bit too...among other! Sam Raimi and his less famous partner have really made a thing of beauty. Perfect cast and New Zealand's charm coupled with a remarkable book's general premises, Legend of the Seeker is made for people who enjoy being satisfied. Its also got a second season so way-to-go mankind.

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (canceled/ 2 seasons)- The only thing i can think of about this show after that series finale...IS that series finale. They go nuts! Absolutely ballistic with the plot lines. This show ended and began on really high notes. Some said the middle kind of sagged but really, its all about enjoying what you know is an episode AS an episode. Plus, its Terminator for Heaven's sake.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer (canceled/ 7 seasons)- I came on to this way late but its practically a life shaper. After 3 seasons of Buffy under my belt, I can say that Joss Whedon deserves all the accolades he gets. The pure goofyness blended seamlessly with drama and teen angst is to die for. Spike makes me want to wear vampire red (as i have dubbed it) dress shirts. This show can introduce characters like no other. Also, the theme song by Nerf Herder, good lord what a riot feast!!! the best part easily comes when (in the first season) Charisma Carpenter is shown and (in the second and third seasons) when Seth Green is shown. The show went into an 8th comic book season where the story goes really crazy.

Angel (canceled/ 5 seasons) - David Boreanez's charm is monstrous (and i say that as a good thing). His acting and the versatility of Charisma Carpenter plus Wesley's stellar intro make this show a keeper. From what could be seen on Hulu initially, the plot was about to go off the deep end at the end of season one so (for me) there is only more joy to be had. The theme song to this show is also wonderful. Whedon just has it on with music (Dr. Horrible anyone?) This show is also a testament to Tim Minear. With Angel, Firefly and Wonderalls credits, hes a keeper. Like Buffy, Whedon wrote a comic book continuation, this one being called "Angel: After the Fall."

After having finished the series (Thank you TNT and Barnes and Noble) all bets are in and this show rocks like no other. A series finale with infinite viewability is just the tip of the iceberg. The tragedy is near unbearable for those of us who watch tv vicariously. Amy Acker, Lorne, and Wes all are given an incredible amount of depth. And lets not forget Ben Edlund, creator of the Tick and current Supernatural writer, whose stories kept the show in 5th gear.
(Quick Shout out to Stephen S. DeKnight too)

Firefly (canceled/ 1 season + 1 movie)

Arrested Development (canceled/ 3 seasons + potential movie)

Fringe (still on/ 2nd season)

The Unusuals (canceled/ 1 season)

Warehouse 13 (still on/ 2nd season)

Castle (still on/ 2nd season)(for Nathan Fillion)

Bones (still on/ 5th season)(For David Boreanez of course)

Kings (canceled/ 1 season)

Reaper (canceled/ 2 seasons)

30 Rock! (Still on/ 4th season)


Parks and Recreation

Battlestar Galactica



Spartucus: Blood and Sand


Human Target

The Office



Misadventures of Flapjack

Spongebob Squarepants

Star Treks

Why Rob Thomas solo songs would sound better with Matchbox 20. Share

December 5, 2009 at 4:17am

Rob Thomas' solo stuff would be better with the rest of his band. They add realness. They add a connection. They add instruments. It could just be this whole solo bidniss. Its seems ego driven. And I dont think Rob even has an ego like that. He was on Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia for goodness sakes! Who does that? Only really cool people. SO! this thing he does where he sings solo and does solo albums. I donut like it. Stay with the band brah. Be the lead singer. I mean, cant he even do those same nice songs with the band? They probably sound much better with the chemistry and established sound too. The need to be an individual cant be THAT dire, can it?

A dialogue

Wesley: Well, we're hardly prepared to face a demon of Deevak's caliber in our current condition.

Charles Gunn: You ready to pack it in? Only reason I called you was 'cause y'all supposed to be the demon experts.

Angel: Wesley's right. Three vamps, we should have been able to take them all a lot easier and faster than we did. We need to regroup.

Charles Gunn: Maybe the rest of you need a little down time, but I'm gonna track down Jameel and make him talk.

Cordelia Chase: When you do find him, you may wanna be a little more Guy Pearce in "L.A Confidential" and a little less Michael Madsen in "Reservoir Dogs."

Charles Gunn: I haven't bothered to see a movie since Denzel was robbed at the Oscars for "Malcolm X." Later.
[Gunn leaves]

Wesley: That was quite a performance.

Cordelia: I know! Talk about wound up too tight.
Wesley: no, i mean Denzel

Cordelia: Oh...well he's always great.

Wesley (to Angel): What about you?

Angel (dead pan): Who doesn't love Denzel

A Monologue

Christopher Walken: Thank you. It’s good, as always, to be here. It’s a treat. But this time, it’s extra special because it’s the final show of the season. After how many shows, Jimmy? 505, actually. 505, Wow! I've done it five times - what's that? A drop in the bucket. So I thought, "What can I do to make my mark?" And then, I thought, "Well, I'll sing a song."

[ singing ]

"Things have come to a pretty pass
Our romance is growing flat
For you like this and the other
While I go for this and that
Goodness knows where the end will be
Or I don't know where it's at.
It looks as if we two will never be one
Something must be done.
You say potato, and I say potato
You say tomato, and I say tomato
Potato, potato
Tomato, tomato
Let's - "

Jimmy Fallon: Chris?

Christopher Walken: Jimmy, wazzup!

Jimmy Fallon: Sorry to interrupt. I don't know if that's how the song goes.

Christopher Walken: What do you mean?

Jimmy Fallon: You're singing the words the same. You have to say, likw, tomayto, tomahto. Tomahto, potahto.

Christopher Walken: Tomahto? What's that?

Jimmy Fallon: It's just how they say it.

Christopher Walken: Okay, I'll give it a try.

[ singing ]

"You say potahto, I say potahto
You say totahto, I say totahto
Tomahto, potahto
Potahto, potahto, tomahto, tomahto -"

Jimmy Fallon: Chris, I'm so sorry. You're doing it the other way now. And I think you have to alternate them.

Christopher Walken: Alternate, shmaltermate! Jimmy, look, they're all spelled the same on the cards. What do you want from my life?

Jimmy Fallon: I think you're supposed to go - potayto, potahto..

Christopher Walken: Jim, how old are you?

Jimmy Fallon: I'm 26.

Christopher Walken: Ouch! Look, son.. sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Let me show you. And a-one, and a-two -

[ singing ]

"I say potayto, and I say potayto
You say tomayto, and I say tomayto
Potayto, potayto
Tomayto, tomayto
Let's call the whole thing off.
But, oh, if we call the whole thing off, and we must part
And, oh, if we ever part
Then that might brak my heart.

So if you like pajamas, and I like pajamas
I'll wear pajamas, and give up pajamas
For we know we need each other
So we better call the whole thing off
Let's call the whole thing
Let's call the whole thing -
Let's not call the whole thing o-o-off
Let's not call the whole thing off!"

We've got a wonderful show - Weezer is here!

[ singing ]

"You say Weezer, and I say Wizer
Weezer, wizer -"

Stick around, we'll be right back!