Friday, March 26, 2010

Best Muslim on TV: Abed Nadir (Community) Vs. Arastoo Vaziri (Bones)

March 11, 2010 at 5:32pm

Abed Nadir is the Phoebe Buffey of the Community gang. Abed is Muslim but not a great one (based on seen activities). He is very accurately portraying the conflicted American Muslim college student who is somewhat detached from his faith. He (that one time) drank, possible girl interaction (the frisky kind) and hes doing film (right?). Abed is a whimsical, light, enjoyable character and brings a smile to faces with his odd facial expressions and very obscure pop-culture refs. His Don Draper, his Vampire, his Judd Nelson AND all the antics with Troy just vex my inner hyena. And with lines like

Abed: Another muffin basket, from another actress who wants to be in my next film.
Jeff: Does that work?
Abed: Yep. Meryl Streep has two Oscars because of her baking. Ah, that's sarcasm, but I forgot to inflect. This sounds waaay more like sarcasm. Inflection is soooo interesting.

Abed's family exists to make fun of, but so do the rest of the peripheral characters so no biggy. The simple fact that a Muslim character is portrayed in a positive light carries weight.

(Note: quality equality race jokes are made. "Hey Phantom Menace, hows the trade embargo with the Naboo" hits us while "duck sause" nails the east asians. Also the inner family argument about the cousin who wears a burqa wanting to go play in the bouncy house was very nice. But thats a commentary on the show, not Abed)

The Muslim aspect is a layer within a complex character and through his actions we see that he is not entirely on the straight path. In terms of most ENJOYABILITY, he wins but not this time. So the winner has to be...

Arastoo Vaziri! And here is why:
After blowing his accent cover and refusing an alcoholic beverage, he had to explain why an American can be a Muslim and work in a scientific field. (This is on FOX people!)

Arastoo: "There is no conflict between Allah and science. Allah created the mysteries of the world and science struggles and mostly fails to explain it. But the search for truth is honorable and I honor Allah for the search for truth"

Hodgins: "I get it, but whats with the 'kill the infidel' routine?

Arastoo: "Its times like these i wish i drank alcohol."

Angela: "Fight and slave the unbelievers." (Uh OH!I think shes testing him!!!)

Arastoo: "I prefer the other option, which is to enslave the unbeliever"
[Silence and everyone stares in shock]
"Its a joke..."(PWN3D!!)

He isnt in every episode but when hes on, his Muslim colors shine bright while the obstacles fire all around him. He bested a lesbian (Angela), he out Americaned a cop (Cam), and with a flex of his "humorus" he proclaims his throne as Best Muslim On TV!!!

Honorable Mentions: Dr. Julian Bashir (Star Trek) and Raja Musharaff (Aliens in America)
Disqualified for lack of subtlety: Entire Cast of Characters of Little Mosque on the Prairie.

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